Luma 2 with AR

Manual Projection Screen – Wall/Ceiling Recessed Non-Tensioned


  • Case dimensions are 10 cm x 8 cm.
  • Maximum image width up to 244 cm wide, depending on surface selection.
  • High-quality, spring-roller projection screen can be wall- or ceiling-mounted.
  • Black drop may be standard, depending on screen size. Extra drop above image area available upon request.
  • The AutoReturn feature prevents potential damage to the dowel or screen surface.
  • Intermediate stop positions allow you to lower or raise the screen completely, and stop at any point in between.
  • Pentagonal steel case with scratch-resistant white polyester finish and matching endcaps. Black finish available upon request.
  • Endcaps form universal hanging brackets for attachment to wall or ceiling.
  • Custom sizes available.

Luma 2 with AR

A high-quality, wall- or ceiling-mounted, spring-roller projection screen, designed for small- to Medium-sized spaces. The luma with ar offers an autoreturn feature to eliminate screen Damage. A simple pull of the handle and the autoreturn feature automatically retracts the Projection screen. It slows the return as the screen approaches its upper limit, thus eliminating any Banging when the screen enters the case. This free-hanging, fiberglass-backed projection screen Maintains flatness thanks to the weight of the screen and bottom dowel. Housed in an attractive Pentagonal-shaped steel case, the luma with ar is perfect for classrooms, boardrooms, or small- To medium-sized business-related environments.


Dimension Data


AV Format

Size Image Area Case Length Net Wt. (lbs.)
50″ x 50″ 50″ x 50″ 4’8-1/2″ 26
60″ x 60″ 60″ x 60″ 5’6-1/2″ 30
70″ x 70″ 70″ x 70″ 6’4-1/2″ 35
84″ x 84″ 84″ x 84″ 7’6-1/2″ 40
72″ x 96″ 72″ x 96″ 8’7″ 44
96″ x 96″ 96″ x 96″ 8’7″ 45
7′ x 9′ 7′ x 9′ 9’7″ 47
9′ x 9′ 9′ x 9′ 9’7″ 49
8′ x 10′ 8′ x 10′ 10’7″ 54
10′ x 10′ 10′ x 10′ 10’7″ 58
9′ x 12′ 9′ x 12′ 12’7″ 61
12′ x 12′ 12′ x 12′ 12’7″ 66

NTSC Format (4.3)

Size Image Area Case Length Net Wt. (lbs.)
6′ 42-1/2″ x 56-1/2″ 5’6-1/2″ 30
7′ 50″ x 66-1/2″ 6’4-1/2″ 35
100″ 60″ x 80″ 7’6-1/2″ 40
10′ 69″ x 92″ 8’7″ 44
11′ 78″ x 104″ 9’7″ 47
150″ 87″ x 116″ 10’7″ 54
15′ 105″ x 140″ 12’7″ 61
200″ 118″ x 158″ 14’1″ 68

HDTV Format (16.9)

Size Image Area Case Length Net Wt. (lbs.)
92″ 45″ x 80″ 7’6-1/2″ 40
106″ 52″ x 92″ 8’7″ 44
119″ 58″ x 104″ 9’7″ 46
133″ 65″ x 116″ 10’7″ 54
161″ 79″ x 140″ 12’7″ 61
184″ 90″ x 160″ 14’3″ 68

WideScreen Format (1.85:1)

Size Image Area Case Length Net Wt. (lbs.)
99″ 47″ x 87″ 8’1″ 40
108″ 50″ x 92″ 8’7″ 44
120″ 56″ x 104″ 9’7″ 49
132″ 63″ x 116″ 10’7″ 54
162″ 76″ x 140″ 12’7″ 66
182″ 86-1/2″ x 160″ 14’3″ 68


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