Access/Series M

Manual Projection Screen – Wall/Ceiling Recessed Tensioned


  • Case dimensions 20 cm x 19 cm including trim flange and mounting brackets.
  • Maximum image width up to 366 cm wide, depending on surface selection.
  • Black drop standard, depending on screen size. Extra drop above image area available upon request.
  • Spring-roller operated front projection screen provides a quiet, smooth operation.
  • Adjustable or removable hoisting brackets included for easy lifting during installation.
  • Sliding brackets inside case accommodate different size screens.
  • Bottom closure panel provides accessibility to all components for service or maintenance and can hang in place when open or is detachable.
  • The AutoReturn feature prevents potential damage to the dowel or screen surface.
  • Intermediate stop positions allow you to lower, raise screen completely, or stop at any point in between.
  • White case standard, black available.
  • Custom sizes available.

Access/Series M

The Access M ceiling-recessed, spring roller, manually-operated projection screen is ideal for Boardrooms, classrooms or mid-sized training rooms. This free-hanging, fiberglass-backed Projection screen maintains flatness thanks to the weight of the screen and bottom dowel. The Bottom closure panel provides access to all components for easier service and maintenance. Installation of the case during the initial phase of construction eliminates job site damage, allowing For installation of the screen at a later time.


Dimensions Data


AV Format

Size Image Area Case Length Net Wt.
50″ x 50″ 50″ x 50″ 4’8-1/2″ 26
60″ x 60″ 60″ x 60″ 5’6-1/2″ 30
70″ x 70″ 70″ x 70″ 6’4-1/2″ 35
84″ x 84″ 84″ x 84″ 7’6-1/2″ 40
72″ x 96″ 72″ x 96″ 8’7″ 44
96″ x 96″ 96″ x 96″ 8’7″ 45
7′ x 9′ 7′ x 9′ 9’7″ 47
9′ x 9′ 9′ x 9′ 9’7″ 49
8′ x 10′ 8′ x 10′ 10’7″ 54
10′ x 10′ 10′ x 10′ 10’7″ 58
9′ x 12′ 9′ x 12′ 12’7″ 61
12′ x 12′ 12′ x 12′ 12’7″ 66

NTSC Format (4.3)

Size Image Area Case Length Net Wt.
6′ 42-1/2″ x 56-1/2″ 5’6-1/2″ 30
7′ 50″ x 66-1/2″ 6’4-1/2″ 35
100″ 60″ x 80″ 7’6-1/2″ 40
10′ 69″ x 92″ 8’7″ 44
11′ 78″ x 104″ 9’7″ 47
150″ 87″ x 116″ 10’7″ 54
15′ 105″ x 140″ 12’7″ 61
200″ 118″ x 158″ 14’1″ 68

HDTV Format (16.9)

Size Image Area Case Length Net Wt.
92″ 45″ x 80″ 7’6-1/2″ 40
106″ 52″ x 92″ 8’7″ 44
119″ 58″ x 104″ 9’7″ 46
133″ 65″ x 116″ 10’7″ 54
161″ 79″ x 140″ 12’7″ 61
184″ 90″ x 160″ 14’3″ 68

WideScreen Format (1.85:1)

Size Image Area Case Length Net Wt.
99″ 47″ x 87″ 8’1″ 40
108″ 50″ x 92″ 8’7″ 44
120″ 56″ x 104″ 9’7″ 49
132″ 63″ x 116″ 10’7″ 54
162″ 76″ x 140″ 12’7″ 66
182″ 86-1/2″ x 160″ 14’3″ 68


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